You can download the Arduino IDE in Arduino2 website. Arduino IDE is version 1.6.5. There are
versions of Arduino software installer (Windows only) and compressed in a zip
version. If you choose the version without install (, then you only need to extract in which folders and
You can directly run.
If you're a Linux user, then a bit of a challenge for you
because the installation process is not as easy installation on Windows and
Mac. Free to install in Linux you can learn at the
Linux3 installation. As for Windows and Mac users, you can
install by following the instructions in this ebook.
- Installation in Windows
- Plug your Arduino board to a USB port on a computer or laptop, and then wait until Windows tries to install its own driver. Usually she failed to install drivers if you have not had the driver. (Please proceed to the next step)
- If successful, it means that the installation is complete. But if it fails, continue to the next step.
- You must install on the device manager. To go to device
manager, you can do this in two ways:
button ( "Windows" + R) simultaneously.The "Windows" is a key on the keyboard with a Windows logo (the logo image windows, usually located on the left or right of the space bar, see figure above). Once you press the "Windows" + R, it would appear"Run," type "devmgmt.msc" (without quotation marks), and then press ENTER. If true, then the Device Manager window will appear.
If Device Manager you are out, you can go to point 4, if not, try the following to display the device manager Click Start - select Control Panel. In the Control Panel,select System and Security, and then select System. Then selectDevice Manager. - In the Device Manager, note the Ports (COM & LPT), will appear a new device with the name "Arduino UNO (COMxx)"
- Right click on the "Arduino UNO (COMxx)", then select "Update Driver Software".
- Next select "Browse my computer for driver software".
- How your Arduino software folder, then find the file arduino.inf (for Arduino UNO ref.3) in the Drivers folder. If you are using a version of the IDE under 1.0.3, you can choose a driver with the file name ArduinoUNO.inf
- If successful, it means that the driver installation is complete.
- Selanjut let's try to upload the sample code there is the Arduino software
- Launch Application Arduino (arduino.exe), on the right-hand cornerbelow will have the words "Arduino UNO on COMxx". Means the port used Arduino is COMxx, if the work does not appear, the driver installation has not been successfulor Arduino board has not been connected to the computer. Next, please open the flip-flop samples led the way Click File> Examples> 1.Basic> Blink
- Setting Arduino board in a way: Click the Tools menu> Board> Arduino UNO
- Select the port used by clicking on the Arduino Tools menu> Ports> (select its existing Arduino)
- Click the upload button (the arrow button to the right premises)
- After successfully uploaded, it will say "Done uploading" at the bottom. If successful, then the LED with writing "L" on the Arduino board will flicker.
- Installation on a Mac
- Attach the Arduino board via USB
- Extract the application to disk
- When it appeared Network Preferences, click the "Apply" (remember/ Dev / tty / usb)
- Run the application
- Not a sample application on the File menu> Example> 1.Basics>Blink
- Select Arduino Uno from the Tools menu> Board
- Select the port that used Arduino on the Tools menu>ports
- Click the upload button (the button with the arrow to the right)
- After the message "Uploading Done", then led the "L" on Arduino board blinks.
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