What's With Arduino?

According wikipedia1:

A microcontroller (sometimes abbreviated μC, uC or MCU) is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input / output peripherals.

In everyday discussion and on internet forums, Often known by the call microcontroller μC, uC or MCU. Free translation of such understanding, it can be said that the microcontroller is a micro-sized computer in a single chip IC (integrated circuit) that consists of a processor, memory, and interfaces that can be programmed. So-called microcomputer as in IC or chip microcontroller consists of a CPU, memory, and I / O that we can control by programming it. I / O IS ALSO Often called denganGPIO (General Purpose Input Output Pins) the which means that we can pin a program as input or output as needed.


In this case we will use the Arduino Uno board (Figure Above). Arduino board consists of hardware / microcontroller modules are ready-made and IDE software used to program so that we can learn Easily. The advantages of the Arduino that we are not bothered with a minimum range of systems and programmers Because it was built in one board. Therefore, we can focus on the development of the system.
Project board and Cable Jumper

Project board and Cable Jumper

We will use the project board (some call it bread board) and some jumper cables to connect between components and Arduino (Figure above). With the project we do not need a soldering board so that the circuit is are relatively easy and quick to assemble. Project board Allows us to build and Dismantle the circuit quickly intervening so it is suitable for experimentation. But if we want to create a permanent circuit, then we must use the PCB.

Roadmap on the project board

Roadmap on the project board

The important thing is, we have to understand the pathways on the project board. Project board composed of vertical lines and horizontal lines. Vertical path in the middle part consisting of 2 x 64 lines. Each track consists of five vertical point, eg lane 1A-1B-1C-
1D-1E and 1F track-1G-1H-1I-1J that both are not mutually connected.
Horizontal path by 8 lines, 4 lines at the top and four lines again at the bottom. This path can be used for power supply
(VCC and GND) for the circuit. For more details, please Consider Figure Roadmap on the project board. The red line indicates that the hole is connected physically.

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