Microcontroller Very Popular and Widely Used - Below is described some microcontrollers that are quite popular. To use one microcontroller is the most appropriate option is a microcontroller that has good documentation and development tools at an affordable price. For beginners or hobyst, Intel 8051, the Motorola 68HC11 or Microchip PIC is a pretty good choice.
8051 (Intel and others)
Modified Harvard architecture with separate address for program and data memory. Memory for the program can be addressed to a memory below 64 K.
(4K, 8K or 16K depending on type) can be located on the chip. This microcontroller has 128 bytes of internal memory plus a few registers (SFR), also can put address up to 64K of external memory for data.
Quite a lot of good software for commercial software free maupin 8051 microcontroller. This microcontroller has so many variants
able to meet the needs of the different. Produced not only by Intel but some other manufacturers also produce this microcontroller.
6805 (Motorola)
Von Neuman architecture where the instruction, data, I / O, and timer
contained in a memory area. Stack pointer owned is 5 bits so that the stack depth is limited to 32 bytes. Some microcontroller of this family have ADC, PLL, Frq. Synthesizer, serial I / O and software security.
PIC (microchip)
PIC microcontroller is a RISC microcontroller first. In general RISC result in simplicity of design and makes it possible to add to its capabilities at a low cost. Although only a few instructions (33 instructions for 16C5x), PIC family has many advantages that are already a part of the chip. With the instruction bus and a separate data bus (Harvard architecture), PIC allow access to data and programs simultaneously thus increase the processing performance. The advantage of this design is the simplicity of the chip is very small, a little pin and use very little power.
PIC microcontroller popularity is rising very quickly. With price
cheap, small size and power consumption, at this point the microcontroller is used also in other application such as a logic circuit. There are three families of PIC at this time that PIC16C5x, PIC16Cxx and PIC17Cxx.
Z8 (Zilog)
Z8 is a derivative of Zilog Z80. Has a unique architecture is an architecture combined with three memory areas, namely: program memory, a data memory and CPU register file. This microcontroller has a UART, timer, DMA, I / O up to 40 units on the chip. Other versions have a sync / async serial channel.
Overall this microcontroller has a Stack of RAM that can be configured and interrupt system, two programmable timers with interrupt, protection ROM, two analog comparators
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