Regulator circuit Brightness LED with potentiometer

Adjusting Brightness LED with potentiometer

Adjusting Brightness LED with potentiometer

          To make the circuit above, prepare LEDs, resistors and potentiometers. You can also use the trimmer.

  1. Connect the positive foot LED to pin 9 on the Arduino board, the support pin PWM
  2. Walking negative LEDs connected with the resistor to GND
  3.  Both toe trimmer that one side (right side) respectively connected to + 5v and GND. If you are using a rotary potentiometer, which is connected to + 5v and GND pins are most roadside.
  4. Pin one (on the left) is connected to A0 on the Arduino board. If you are using a rotary potentiometer, which is connected to A0 is the middle pin on the potentiometer.

          You might ask, why are connected to A0? Well, on Arduino there are 3 groups of pins with different functions, namely:

  • Digital pin (pin 0-13)
  • Pin PWM digital support (marked with a tilde "~", ie pin 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11)
  • Analog Pin (A0 - A5)

          Digital means that only consist of ON and OFF, or HIGH and LOW. PWM digital means, the frequency of ON and OFF can be set based on a certain cycle in the frequency of 500 Hz with an interval of between 0 - 255. This we have discussed previously, is not it?

          While Analog pin, the pin means can be written to have a voltage between 0-5 volts with a step increase of 1024. That number 0-1023 will be converted into 0-5 volt on the pin. 0 means 0 volts, 5 volts means 1023. Why a maximum of 1024?

          Actually interval between 0-5 volts can be enumerated with an infinite number. However, mikroposesor have limitations in chop numbers, so that the limit could be counted only reached 1024 chopped, ie from 0-1023.

          It was a glimpse of a series that will be created and the characteristics of the analog pins on the Arduino.

I will give the program in the next post

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