for(statemen; condition; statemen){
The first statement contains the initial conditions, usually initialize a variable or data (eg, a = 0). While the latter statement is the change that will occur in the variable on the initial statement (eg a = a + 1). While the condition is a condition where the loop will happen, when the conditions are not appropriate, then the iteration will stop. for more details about the FOR, the following simple example:
// // Pin 8 for LED const int pinLED = 8; void setup() { // pin LED as output pinMode(pinLED, OUTPUT); } // start time delay 1000 | 1 second int timeDelay = 3000; void loop() { // From the loop as much as 10 times 1 Up to 10 for(int i=1; i<=10; i++){ // LED life and death with a duration of 500 milliseconds digitalWrite(pinLED, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(pinLED, LOW); delay(500); } // still for 3 seconds delay(timeDelay); }
When the program is uploaded, then the LED will flash with a duration of ½ seconds 10 times, then the LED will live (die) for 3 seconds (note, the value timeDelay replaced 3000), and continue to blink again. Examine the line 14:
for(int i=1; i<=10; i++){
At line 18 shows FOR the conditions of the initial value i = 1, i will be continuously added with 1 (i ++) for looping over i <= 10. Put simply, the value of i will change from 1, 2, 3, 4, ... up to 10 , An important part to understand is i ++, i ++ together with
i = i + 1;
Besides i ++, there is also ++ i, i--, and --i. I-- writing together with i ++, i-- just means i = i-1, or i will be reduced by 1 continuously for recurrence.
++ Placement in front or behind i berarri that: if it is on striped ++, then the addition is performed after the code block for the run. But if it is in front ++, then the process will be carried out before the addition of the process was started. Here's an example:
int i = 1; int j = 3 * (i++); // j = 3 because 3 * 1 // i = 2 int j = 3 * (++i); // j = 9 because 3 * 3 // i been coupled with one another (++ i) before the line 6 is executed
Note, in row 6, j worth 3 for 3 multiplied by the value of i = 1. After the 4th line, then the value of i will turn into two because there are statements ++ i (i = i + 1).
While on row 10, j worth 9 (not 6) because i was not worth 2 again, but i worth 3 because before the line is executed i first added by 1 (++ 1). So i do not do after the addition of the execution line 10 the line, but before executing the line 10th.
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