The following is the Pin Out of ESP 8266 Module
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ESP 8266 |
Here is a schematic ESP8266 and Arduino
What do we need to prepare to use the ESP module 8266:
- Arduino UNO
- ESP8266
- Breadboard
- jumper taste
- firmware ESP8266
- EPSTool
Steps to use the module ESP8266:
- Just draw ESP8266 with Arduino according skematiknya
- Download Firmware ESP8266 and EPSTool here
- Open Epstool like to see below:
- Adjust comport accordance with the computer / laptop us, to let Hexanya code 0 X 0000, press Bin, and locate the file firmare we've downloaded in step 2 and press download. if it is correct it would appear 0 -100% percentage of the download process, let the process run. then when it's over there close and close the software code EPS8266 its Flash downloader.
- began to open arduino Arduino then upload code but only an empty void only setup and void loop coursevoid setup(){}void loop() {}
- Open Serial Port and type the code AT, If OK then EPS8266 Ready to try another command, for example, want to see Type Firmware, for example, AT + GMR As shown in the figure below
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